World Interdisciplinary Network for Institutional Research
Announcing a new global network:
World Interdisciplinary Network for Institutional Research
Would you like to be a Founding Member of WINIR?
upholds that institutions are key factors in explaining social
evolution and economic performance. Not confined to any one analytical
approach or academic subject, WINIR brings together researchers in all
disciplines who are devoted to the study of the nature, function,
evolution, and impact of the institutions and organizations of economic
and social life. WINIR will organise conferences, workshops, and
conference sessions, around the world.
The following leading pioneers of institutional research are Honorary Presidents of WINIR:
Daron Acemoglu
Howard Aldrich
Masahiko Aoki
Julia Black
Peter Boettke
Paul DiMaggio
Peter Evans
Neil Fligstein
Margaret Gilbert
Avner Greif
Peter Hall
Henry Hansmann
Timur Kuran
Richard Langlois
Richard Lipsey
Claude Ménard
Richard Nelson
Douglass North*
John Nye
Johan P. Olsen
Walter Powell
James Robinson
Dani Rodrik
Malcolm Rutherford
W. Richard Scott
John Searle
Mary Shirley
David Soskice
Wolfgang Streeck
Robert Sugden
Kathleen Thelen
Viktor Vanberg
Ronald Coase* also agreed to be a WINIR Honorary President. He passed away in September 2013.
(* Nobel Laureates)
WINIR is currently managed by a Council of eight members:
Katharina Pistor (Columbia Law School, USA) – President
Geoffrey Hodgson (University of Hertfordshire, UK) – Secretary
Francesca Gagliardi (University of Hertfordshire, UK) – Treasurer
David Gindis (University of Hertfordshire, UK) – Publicity Officer
Ana Célia Castro (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Kainan Huang (Shandong University, China)
Klaus Nielsen (Birkbeck College, University of London, UK)
Ugo Pagano (Univ of Siena, Italy & Central European Univ, Budapest)
WINIR conferences are being planned for 2014 in the UK and 2015 in Rio de Janeiro.
The 2013 membership fees for WINIR are £30 (about €36 or $46) per person.
(£15 for those with annual post-tax personal incomes of £20,000/€24,000/$30,000 or less.)
If you become a 2013 member you will be entered on the record as a “Founding Member of WINIR”.
To pay membership fees, and for more information, go to
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